Database connector does not work in MX 10.12.1

I have upgraded a project from 9.24.12 to 10.12.1 and the database connector that we use does not seem to work anymore. It does not return a list of objects anymore, see screenshot:   From what I understand, that I should use the external database connector in mx 10, but I can't get it to work with integrated security on. Does someone know how I can fix the issue with the old database connector so that it does return a list? Or does someone know how to use integrated security with the new external database connector?
2 answers


  1. Although it appears that the Java action is not returning anything visually, it internally returns a list of objects.

  2. To enable integrated security, upgrade the Microsoft SQL Server JDBC driver  version to 12.6.3.jre11. Download the JAR from this link and replace the existing  `mssql-jdbc` JAR in the `userlib` directory with this new one.

Hi Ulaganathan,


Thanks for your response. Point 1 I am not sure about, because I have got it working now and it visually returns a list again. So, I think if you set it up correctly it will show in the UI too. I kind of did what you mentioned in point 2.


I did the following:


1. You have to use the option 'Connection string' like so: jdbc:sqlserver://hostname:portnumber;databaseName=databasename;integratedSecurity=True;trustServerCertificate=true

Beware to escape characters like \ in JSON. Username and Password you can fill in anything, this does not matter.

2. In the marketplace module change the dependencies in settings.Change to 12.2.0.jre11.

3. Go to App -> Synchronize Dependencies

4. Go to App -> Clean Deployment Directory (was needed in my case and it can't hurt)

5. Run your app and test your connection


Kind regards,

