Email Connector - Refreshed OAuth Token does not have the same permissions as the original token

I am using the Email Connector for a client that uses Microsoft Office.  We have created an Azure App registration and an OAuth configuration in our Mendix app that uses a Client Credentials grant flow.  When I authenticate with a user account the first time, the token stored in the app looks like this:     This account is used by a scheduled event that retrieves emails from the the Inbox and places them into the Mendix app.  Everything works as it should until it is time for the token to be refreshed.  After refresh, the token looks like this: Retrieving emails does not work with this refresh token - we need to manually generate a new token in order for the retrieve to work again.   Any pointers for getting the refresh token to generate successfully in the scheduled event? Studio Pro version 9.24.25 (this version is not in the drop down) Email Connector version 5.8.0  
1 answers

Hello Mike,

The scope as well as refresh tokens are NULL for client cred flow  - As there is no need to have any user intervention to renew the token, this set-up should just work.


Please follow the detailed instructions for setting up the Azure App (for Client Credentials flow) and required permissions (e.g. IMAP.AccessAsApp) and Admin consent for this permission. You would also need to register the Azure application’s service principal in Exchange with help of Administrator. Detailed instructions can be found in this section.


Hope this helps!.


