How to handle mapping for a REST response object

Hi all,   from a REST call I get a response with an object like this:     What I need to display in a data grid (Data grid 2) is the list (array) from the node "value" where 0..n objects can be. From this objects I need some elements with key "description" and "value".     I have tried an Import Mapping, but I'am confused about the auto mapping, there is no list.     What I'am doing wrong here?   Thanks in advance for your help!
3 answers

Hi Uwe,

1 Root (response), has many ValueItem. Many ValueItems I think means a list. Since everything is non persistent, you can only use retrieves over association to get to the ValueItems.

There would be several approaches for showing the list visible in your app. One would be to use a datasource microflow that

  1. triggers the interface
  2. returns the response (store in variable)
  3. from Root (response) retrieve the ValueItems over association.
  4. Return the list in the Endpoint.

Sample Microflow:




Hi Micha,


thanks for your answer. What do you mean in point 3? Could you give me a short example what "ValueItems over Association" means?


Thanks a lot


In the domain modell the response (root) object has this 1:* association:




But whne I try to use it in endpoint the "value" node with the list is not shown:


Ther is only the node "odata.context" available
