Teamcenter connector - Nested relations mapping

  Hello,  I'm facing an issue using tcconnector response mapping. I think sub relations using one-to-many or many-to-many does not work in the mapping feature   Using WireShark on Teamcenter Server to listen SOA(http) exhange show me that calls are OK   Showing this example :  If i use that mapping, there is error in mapping { ...// omitted for brief "ObjectMapping":"", // Actualy not used "ResponseType": "MyModule.MyResponseEntity", "OperationResponse" : { "manyrelations": [{ "name" : "$Response\/MyModule.manyrelations\/name", "displayName" : "$Response\/MyModule.manyrelations\/displayName", /* NOT working part */ "propertyDescriptors" : [{ "name" : "$Response\/MyModule.manyrelations\/MyModule.sub_manyrelations\/CustomEntityMemberName" }] /* /NOT working part */ }] } } Failed to to resolve the value for '$Response/MyModule.manyrelations/MyModule.submanyrelations/CustomEntityMemberName'. requirement failed: Reference 'MyModule.SubmanyrelationsEntity' only accepts ids of type 'MyModule.ManyrelationsEntity' (Id '[MendixIdentifier:: id=xxx objectType=MyModule.MyResponseEntity entityID=42]' is not allowed).   But, when i do nnot specify sub mapping, mapping works partially. Partially because not all property names are matching (strict equals, case sensitive example) { ...// omitted for brief "ObjectMapping":"", // Actualy not used "ResponseType": "MyModule.MyResponseEntity", "OperationResponse" : { "manyrelations": [{ "name" : "$Response\/MyModule.manyrelations\/name", "displayName" : "$Response\/MyModule.manyrelations\/displayName", /* /PARTIAL working part */ "sub_manyrelations" : "$Response\/MyModule.manyrelations\/MyModule.sub_manyrelations" /* /PARTIAL working part */ }] } }   How the mapping definition should be to let me specify all properties mapping, including nested array and more deeply mapping specification ?
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