errors while trying to consume on premise odata service
In mendix documents we have the set up as below: Mendix Application will automatically bind to a connectivity service after deployment on the SAP Cloud Platform. This service contains the secure credentials of the SAP Cloud Connector. With this configuration, it becomes possible for the SAP OData Connector to get access to an on-premises SAP system. An important dependency for the SAP Cloud Connector is the JWT token received from the SAP XSUAA service. This means that a Mendix app can only get access to the SAP Cloud Connector if the app has a XSUAA-authenticated user Deployed my app to SAP cloud platform but the connection to the SAP cloud connector is not happening because JWT token is not generated for the Mendix user. Following errors came while trying to consume the services: 1.Message An unhandled error occurred in the MxRuntime. Stack trace java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64.<init>(I)V 2. Node ActionManager Message Error in execution of monitored action 'executeaction' (execution id: 1512567138778-5, execution type: CLIENT) Stack trace java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64.<init>(I)V Have placed the jar and API with Base64 but still unable to get rid of this errors. 3.(Warning) Node XSUAA_SSO Message No access token found for the user Anonymous_3b7f8d05-53b3-4344-8969-c36303097729.(Xsuaa connection to cloud connector)
Mendix Acc
1 answers
I have the same issue. Have you found any solution?