Confirmation Link and change password

Hi, I have configured Forgot password module for signup and I my page looks like this   Email is also going,   How to I set confirmation link to that so that user can click and set the password after that?  
5 answers

Hi Rajat,

I believe that the Deeplink module would work to achieve your desired functionality. The module can be found here



Set up the deep link module to allow a link to a microflow that would control the access of the set password workflow. 

The microflow to call need to retrieve the user and display a set password modal where the user would set their password. 

Then in your sign up logic you would create the link to pass to the email.


Hi, I have configured deeplink,but confused which microflow to select and what object parameter,can u pls guide me?



Do you see the ResetUrl in your email? 

Couple things to check:

1. Did you create the email template to be used with your signup. This adds tokens that enable you to pass in variables to the email body. This should be done in the configuration of the forgot password module found on ForgotPasswordConfiguration_Edit page.

The forgotPassword object is passed into the creation of the email and is then able to be used in the emailtemplate.

2. Configure the deeplink within the same page. There should be a button that says "Create deeplink" and should create the following


3. Make sure you use a microflow as 'default home page', containing the 'DeeplinkHome' microflow from the deeplink module.(see Nav_GuestHomepage example microflow). Make sure the after startup microflow is configured in your project settings as 'after startup' action. Follow the Read me for the forgotPassword module.


This should be all you need to do to get this working.




I am getting the reset url in my mail,but I want confirmation url


This is my deeplink




This is my object-




Please help?I am stuck in registration process from many days.


How do I add confirm Url in the object?
