Number of Active DB connections from mendix On Premise application

Hello All, I would like to get number of active DB connections from an on Premise mendix application. We are using Microsoft SQL server for DB. Any help will be much appreciated.   Thanks, Nagendran Sellaiah
1 answers

As I look on the metrics of my apps I see a max of 400 connections. I don't know if this is sizable....

This is in the help (of v3) :

4.4.3 Database Connections

The database connections graph shows the number of connections to the PostgreSQL server. This should go up and down with the usage of the application. The number of connections is limited to 50.


And v4 :

5.4.3 Database Connections

The database connections graph shows the number of connections to the PostgreSQL server. This should go up and down with the usage of the application. The number of connections is limited to 50.
