Data grid doesnt update after retrieving OData data

I'm creating an app that uses the OData service MMIM_MATERIAL_DATA_SRV on an S/4 system to retrieve material stock information.  I've followed the structure of the PurchaseOrdeApproval app.  In that app, the user can enter a search criteria and retrieve purchase orders that match the criteria in a listview. In my app I have a page with two fields (material and plant) for search criteria and a data grid for the results.  The microflow that retrieves the data works, I get the data I expect, but the refresh behavior on the grid is odd.  When I perform the search, the grid doesn't update.  However, if I click Run Locally again, after searching, the app restarts with the results of the previous search in the data grid.  This is my microflow:   And my page:   I'm looking for some option to refresh the interface and I don't see anything that might do that.  I would appreciate any suggestions on where to look.   Thanks in advance,   Ross
3 answers

Hi Ross,

Try doing a refresh in client for the top most dataview. I think in this case it would be "PageData". You can also verify that this is a client refresh issue by running a search result, navigating away and back to the page. If the data is there when you come back to the page, then you would need to refresh the right object. 


Thank you for the response.  Do you mean the Refresh activity type for the OData Connector?




That change object does have a refresh but I'll add an activity to refresh pagedata. 


For some reason, all of a sudden, I'm getting an authentication error even though I haven't changed anything so I'll have to clear that up before trying it.


