Status code 302 Moved Temporarily when sending SOAP Request

Dear Mendix community, I tried to send a SOAP request from mendix. The underlying structure looks like this: Domain Model: Microflow to create Object: Entry form created by the microflow above and used as a data source for SOAP Request: Microflow to execute request: Settings of the request: The error I get: Unfortunately I get a HTTP status code 302: Found : Moved Temporarily.  Does anyone have experience with SOAP Requests and can help me with my problem? Cheers, Karim
4 answers

The server’s response means that the URL that you are using is not correct. The service is at a different location.


Exactly what Joost says. Mendix doesn't follow redirects, unlike Postman and SoapUI do. This is done on purpose: for security reasons.

You could look up the redirect URL by sending a test message from Postman or SoapUI and use that.

If that is somehow not possible, you could build a error handler, check the error message and retry using the redirected URL.


This was my first guess too, but I checked the URL and it’s correct.

I tested this request with SOAP UI and the URL worked and when typing the URL in the browser I get:


Dear Jost and Johan,

thank you for your fast replies, actually I am getting now my desired response back! There was actually a redirect in SoapUI.
