oData X-CSRF Token (Cloud Foundry)

Hi all, we are trying to implement an App, hosted on the SAP Cloud Foundry Environment (CF), which uses the oData Connector from the App Store. We have 3 Operations provided by SAP (2x GET and 1x PUT) – the 2 GET Operations can be called successfully from within our Mendix App – they return the Objects we expect, so this works fine. The Problem is the PUT Operation – here we get a response which shows a company internal Login Page which indicates that the X-CSRF Token we send is not valid. As far as I have understood, the oData Connector Module takes care of the CSRF Token as soon as you perform a “Get Entry” or “Get List” Call and stores this Token in the CSRFToken Entity of the oData Connector Module. This seems to work, we get a Token but the Problem is that the Token looks different than expected – e.g. if I perform the Operation from Postman, I get a Token in a Format like TGXqd5Jw-LUFeXj0Nkdcuw== But Token I can see in the oData Connector Module looks like  913BB8E3CCB71B97E5551A541720B456 To Perform the PUT Operation we use the UPDATE Activity from the oData Module – there we added the CSRF Token (Add Header) as Part of the Request Params.   The difference of course is, that with Postman I use the “Original” oData URL provided by SAP and within the Mendix App I use the URL which the “Get Destination” Activity provides (https://gwaas-XXXXXXXXX.hana.ondemand.com/).   Any Ideas? Thanks in advance, Michael  
1 answers

Hi Michael,
I am having the same question now, I can get CSRFToken instead of x-csrf-token, they have different format, and the former one doesn't work for post http method, do you have any pregress here? thanks in advance!Hi Michael,
I am having the same question now, I can get CSRFToken instead of x-csrf-token, they have different format, and the former one doesn't work for post http method, do you have any pregress here? thanks in advance!
