do a dropdown search using the data grid

Hi All, So i have this datagrid that does the default search. I want to use the dropdown search on this datagrid. But the dropdown only has the option for boolean or enumerator.  I somehow managed to get the necessary data populated in the dropdown but when i choose the option and click on search it just gives zero result. When I click on search: I was able to get the data in the dropdown field by using association from another entity back to this entity.  Attribute path: MyFirstModule.psclComponents_acclComponents/MyFirstModule.PSCLComponents/MyFirstModule.psclComponents_acclComponents/MyFirstModule.ACCLComponents/MyFirstModule.ACCLComponents.manufacturer How do i make this work?  
2 answers


The screenshot of the domain model


Best thing to do is normalize your data model, by adding a Manufacturer entity and associations to every relevant entity where you're currently using manufacturer as a string. Such as ACCLComponents and PSCLComponents.

This way you only have to save a manufacturer once as it's own object instead of a string on all your objects. And you can also add additional information to a Manufacturer.

Then you can search over the association between for example your ACCLComponent and a manufacturer.

As long as you don't forget to create manufacturers somewhere, and also to set the association to a manufacturer when creating an ACCLComponent
