Docusign Connector

Hello, has anyone implemented the new Docusign Connector? I have some basic functionality working as expected but not sure how far the module has been developed thus far. I have been able to create an envelope using a static document that has been uploaded directly to Docusign, but I am looking to send custom documents into Docusign for signature since our sales order is unique for every transaction.  I currently use the Appronto Document Generation module to create our PDF files, and ideally would send this file straight into Docusign Connector.  
3 answers

Hi, any news on this one? We have the same use case.


We have used the connector as the basis for our implementation. We had the same conclusions as you, the connector provides limited features, on the Docusign Developer site, the API documentation is complete and has examples on how to use.
In our implementation we generate PDF files with hidden text markers for the location of the signatures using our contract generation solution (xPression) and then upload it via docusign API and have routing to multiple users (up to 12 in certain cases.


For our implementation, I had to extend the Docusign connector a lot. We had a very dynamic signing process consisting of multiple signers and documents with a possibility of thousands of combinations. We basically housed all our documents inside individual templates in Docusign. The toughest part was mapping the attributes to the documents because for some reason when we worked with the connector, the tabs/custom fields were only mapping at the envelope level and not the document level. Once we extended that portion, we added some associations for checkboxes and radio buttons to map and then extended the GetTemplates call to also tag our attributes. Once we did that, all we needed to do was fill in the data whenever the user filled out the information. We use remote signing and its working like a charm, but it wasn’t easy extending it. 
