messages from MQTT connector

Hi to all. I am a new at the world of mendix, i tried to use the MQTT connector for mendix, i succesfully suscribed to the MQTT service, but i can´t extract the information of the messages Someone have one example app or microflow to do that? 
3 answers

Hi Noe,

Here’s a simple example that I hope will help you out. 

Firstly you need to subscribe, I do this in an After Startup microflow. I see you mentioned you have already done this. Have you set the “On message microflow”? In my example I have set this to IVK_OnMQTTMessage.

In my IVK_OnMQTTMessage microflow I have two String parameters called Payload and Topic. The Payload should be your message to decode however you see fit – probably using an Import Mapping. To quickly test just log it to the console using a Log Message activity in the microflow.

Hope this helps


Hi Noe,

Here are some screenshots taken from my working example. They show the flow I explained in my previous answer.

Hope these help.




Hi Robert.


this is my flow.


As you see, we have the same flow. in the console window, i have the message from MQTT server. but wen i try to pass those information to one dashboard i cant. i import the infor based on JSON structrure, and after that, i export the same information to one entity. but i cant see the data on one page.


i don´t understand why. i saw some webinars to help,  if i try to replicate those, always is missing some “ custom” microflow, or action, or module. 


Do you have another idea? 




