Mendix SQL Microflow Hanging

Hi, Note: Using Mendix 8.7. I recently developed a small microflow that extracts information from an MS SQL database. The pattern I implemented is consistent with Mendix guide videos and I am able to extract information (the challenge is that the query response is only visible in debug mode using breakpoints). The query runs, shows a “busy screen” animation and then just sits there and never reaches the page it needs to show with the data populated in the data list view. I am using Windows Authentication (which I imagined was the problem, but after augmenting the JDBC URL with integrated security details, all seems good. Note – I am still running the app locally and not on the cloud (yet). The microflow (above) Can anyone give some ideas on why Mendix is not terminating the Microflow and displaying the page with the results from the database?   The page below – just shows this loading animation (indefinitely). When I terminate the server process it loads the page, but with no values.    The above page is not loading. The mico-flow is supposed to execute and populate based on the query. 
2 answers

Hello Cobus,

There are a few reasons this might happen. You should inspect both the Mendix console as well as the browser console for error messages, it’s very likely that at least one of the two has thrown an error.

My personal guess would be that you are restricting access to the entities in such a way that either the retrieve cannot be performed or data cannot be displayed.

Furthermore there might be issues with the specific query you’re executing, posting the query on the question might help if others can see an obvious issue with it.

Hope this helps


Ok – so the answer to this is actually a head-scratcher – Mendix gives no indication of an error. The problem was that an empty object is created, but – in fact, never used. Therefore, only the query needs to be executed in the microflow with no need for a value to be assigned. 

Below is a picture of the much simpler Microflow.  
