Mendix Studio Pro 9.15.0 (Native/Responsive)-New Nightmare-Finding Simplified Data Export/Import (CSV/Excel/etc) - Mendix Forum

Mendix Studio Pro 9.15.0 (Native/Responsive)-New Nightmare-Finding Simplified Data Export/Import (CSV/Excel/etc)


Mendix Studio Pro 9.15.0 (Native/Responsive)-New Nightmare-Finding Simplified Data Export/Import (CSV/Excel/etc)

So it has been observed that another user took a month and a half to figure out how to import data with a lot of 
"help from friends" aka Forum.  i.e.

I've tried every relative module under the sun and they are all so convoluted to use it is a mockery rediculous.
Including the Mendix Module that wants you to define every column in a table by hand.
What's one to do when they have over a hundred columns?
Diddle around for days, weeks, months?
If I was doing work for a client and it took that long I'd be fired
Never seen a system that cannot perform such a simple task.

Functional Specifications:
-Create Table with 100+ columns
-Write one row to table
-Press ONE button to export table data to CSV/XLSX with schema header, etc.
-Use exported format to paste column date
-Press ONE button to import table data from CSV/XLSX with schema header, etc.
Wallah, Presto, Abracadabra, Open Sesame, (insert word-s)-DONE.
Or am I missing something or the boat? 

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