Remove the autocommit feature - Mendix Forum

Remove the autocommit feature


Mendix has as complex feature called autocommit, which leads to many misunderstandings, unwanted behaviour and hard to resolve error messages.

My suggestion is to remove this feature:

  1. If your data is incomplete due to the fact that some objects are not committed you will soon notice.
  2. The committing of objects is completely clear and transparent: you are responsible.
  3. Some issues with autocommit are so complex that they are on the known issues list for a long time.
15 answers

Mendix tries too hard to hold the developers hands, as it seems they often time forget that we are in fact developers. The applications functionality should be transparent and controllable by the developers, not something that is hidden and baked into the platform behind closed doors. Data should never be saved or updated unless I specifically tell the application to do so, otherwise there will be consistency issues when I wasn't expecting something to already be committed. If I want an "auto-save" like feature, then I am fully capable of building that functionality myself, in my own way, that fits the needs of the project.


Autocommits are a bandaid solution which prevents us developers from noticing database consistency issues until they are already haunting production. I much rather prefer my users see an error than allow my data to become a big mess.


Autocommits are to Mendix what null pointer exceptions are to java.


I would say if the auto commit happens, there should be a warning message say which objects are committed automatically.


Any news on this. I just had some annoying issues with autocommit that require dirty workaraounds as long as this autocommit feature exists.


Any update on this matter? It would be really nice if autocommit is gone!


I agree on the fact that the autocommit feature is kind of complex. As 'not in the short term’ is not really a specific time, would it be an option to in the meanwhile extend the warnings in the log with more information? (Like in my case, the log doesn't provide me enough information: )


@Bert: Apparently at least a year **Edited** two years **Edited again** three years **end of Edit**. But it is “PLANNED”, so let's not lose hope.


Andrej wrote: ‘We are looking into alternatives, but not in the short term.’

Wat is long term in Mendix defintion? 


Is there any update on this? This feature is making things unnecessarily difficult for us. Especially because most of the time, you don’t realize you have auto-committed objects until session end. Then you’re left with the mystery of the disappearing objects.


Yes, if you remove this, legacy projects must have the ability to retain the old setting.


Could someone explain to me why it is a good idear to remove the objects after the user has logged out? I never understood that part. It is obviously a developer mistake so I like the feature that the system helps me and commits the objects. But why remove them after the user has logged out? Why is that part necesarry?


I also think this is a good idea and also taking into account the 'projects' as Mike mentioned.


It would make Mendix a better software platform if autocommit is gone. Also it would bring Mendix' definition of a 'transaction' closer to the better definition of a transaction, as used by the rest of world.

Also the KISS principle supports this idea.


I totally agree with this idea!


I agree with this idea - however, I think if Autocommit is removed, it should be a settable at the project level.  In other words, for existing projects, I would like the option of continuing existing Autocommit behavior.
