Import data using excel sheet

I have a excel sheet from which I want to import data into Mendix Database. But I don’t want to use excel importer widget since it redirects to another webpage. My usecase is like traditional way there is a choose file option on my page and after selecting that file there is a upload button which should import all the data from excel sheet to database.  Can anyone please help on this? Any insights will be very helpful.
2 answers

Where do you have this widget redirect you to another webpage? Pretty sure that it does not.

Excelimporter is the way to go and at +24k downloads, it is one of the most popular widgets.


ExcelImporter widget is used to do import data from spreadsheet.

You will have to user file uploader to read the file from local machine and then pass it on to ExcelImport module.

But you will have to write logic in microflow to handle that data and operate upon it.

Will update more details later.
