How to restrict the users to view the objects created only by them ?
Hi all, I have one demo entity. And I have two different user roles like customer and employee. I gave the access rules to create and delete that demo entity objects to both of them. Initially, customer logging into the application and creating one demo entity object. I used template grid view to display the objects and gave xpath constraints like [System.owner/System.User/id=’[%CurrentUser%]’]. Now we can able to display the objects only created by this user. The same process i did to employee user role. But when employee creates demo entity objects that object reflecting in customer’s template grid also. But it should display the objects only created by him. How to resolve this issue ? Or Is there any other way to restrict the users to view only objects created by them except System.owner property ? If anyone have the idea about my query, kindly share your ideas within the comment section. Thanks for the reply in advance.
Vijayabharathi V
1 answers
It may work better if you apply this on the entity access rules directly, see pic: