how primary key and foreign key relationship is managed in domain model

how primary key and foreign key relationship is managed in domain model
2 answers

Primary keys are managed by the Mendix platform: the primary key is a unique identifier, and these are generated by Mendix.

Mendix has no foreign keys, instead every association you draw in your domain model results in an associative table (a table with 2 columns containing unique identifiers of objects which have a relation).

Mendix is set up in such a way that as a developer, you don’t need to worry about what is going on in your database. Your work revolves around entities and their relations: the database is completely abstracted away in most scenario’s.


okay thanks, but this is still curiosity for me is how the relation is managed between two tables. lets take a following example,


In above image, Course and TrainingEvent table has some number records stored. let say course “A” has n number of training events scheduled. so now i want fetch all the training events which are scheduled for course “A”, since Traning event does not have any foreign key (which can identify training event against course). How the data will be fetched, where this relation is managed?
