Coud Not Retreive Version Information from System tables.

Hi All,   i am trying to deploy my mendix application using Oracle as a database. but some how i am getting below error. Please let me know if anyone is aware of the below. I tried dropping all tables and create new user also, but now luck.   INFO - ConnectionBus: Database product information: Oracle Oracle Database 12c Standard Edition Release - 64bit Production INFO - ConnectionBus: Database engine version: 12.2 ERROR: Executing start did not succeed: result: 1, message: An error occurred while initializing the Runtime: Could not retrieve version information from system tables, caused by: Could not retrieve version information from system tables WARNING: start failed, stopping INFO: stopping app... INFO: Waiting for the application to shutdown... ERROR - M2EE: An error occurred while initializing the Runtime: Could not retrieve version information from system tables ERROR - M2EE: com.mendix.m2ee.api.AdminException: An error occurred while initializing the Runtime: Could not retrieve version information from system tables               at com.mendix.basis.impl.MxRuntimeImpl.start(   Caused by: com.mendix.connectionbus.ConnectionBusRuntimeException: Could not retrieve version information from system tables               at com.mendix.connectionbus.modelsynchronization.analysis.DatabaseInformationGetter.getVersionsAndLastSyncDate(               at com.mendix.connectionbus.modelsynchronization.analysis.DatabaseInformationGetter.getDatabaseinformation(               at com.mendix.connectionbus.modelsynchronization.analysis.DatabaseAnalyzer.analyzeAndFillMigrationCommands(               at com.mendix.connectionbus.modelsynchronization.ModelSynchronizationUpdater.analyzeAndFillMigrationCommands(               at com.mendix.connectionbus.modelsynchronization.ModelSynchronizationUpdater.analyzeAndRender(               at com.mendix.connectionbus.modelsynchronization.SynchronizationManager.analyzeMappingModel(SynchronizationManager.scala:242)               at com.mendix.connectionbus.modelsynchronization.SynchronizationManager.analyzeModel(SynchronizationManager.scala:232)
1 answers

Maybe this post is about the same issue that you are experiencing:

This talks about the database not being empty and this was resolved by clearing the db.

