Oracle Database String Handling

Hello Makers, In one of my projects, I am using oracle as my database. In a datagrid I have put an xpath condition [UserId != empty and UserId != ‘’]. When I am using this constraint, the data grid does not show any record even though there are records with UserId filled in. When I use UserId != empty or when I only use UserId != ‘’ then in that case, records are visible in the data grid. And also different records are retrieved for the both the conditions(with more number of records for condition UserId != empty). Not sure how the conditions are processed. And this is the case only when I am using oracle as database. For postgre sql the condition works perfectly fine. Does anyone have any explanation for this behavior?
2 answers

Weird stuff, i'd create a support ticket for this if i were you.


Oracle does not know empty strings (‘’) in attributes of type VARCHAR. So if Mendix sends an empty string to an Oracle database it is stored in Oracle as <empty> (NULL). And therefore such a record can only be retrieved in Mendix by checking on empty and not by checking on ‘’.
