is there a way we can query data from non persistent objects on certain selection criteria

I am pulling Accounts and Funds data from DB2 database and mapping them into two non  persistent objects in mendix. Now my requirement is that I need to show accounts which are associated with a fund only and I have the fund attributes pulled along with Accounts in the non persistent object. To avoid multiple query execution in DB2 i would like to use the non persistent objects to get the required data . But i am not able to find way to query these non persistent objects. Can someone suggest a way to do this?
3 answers

If you hook those non-persistent objects to a users session,

then retrieve in a microflow the full list of the session, and use a filter on that list, and return that resulting list as a data source to a listview/datagrid. will this do what you want it to do?


@Michiel Arts

I already did that but now I am getting cross module association error as show in the screen shot


You are trying to retrieve the session, though you should retrieve the data you need Account or Fund.

To have a better insight in you Domain model structure and thus the required XPath; NEVER (really just don’t) use an underscore in your entity names. UPT_Account schuld be UPTAccount instead. This will increase the readanbility of your Xpaths and in many case help you to find the right path.


EDIT: you are using non-persistend objects, so a database retrieve is not possible. Use retrieve by association and list operations instead
