We are using in built mendix database. When the application is deployed to production, how can we get access to the data?

We are using in built mendix database. After the application is deployed to production, how can we view  the data for debugging purposes? Building overview pages for every entity and restricting access to those pages to admin is a good solution? Please provide some comments.
3 answers


In general building overview pages etc in the app is for general purposes the best way to go. Since Mendix maintains the object/record id’s and uses them for associations. The moment you directly would access the database for fixes you might break this.

Though sometimes its needed to directly access the database, in that case you could make a database backup and restore it locally and fix it and restore the fixed database in the cloud


See also this forum post: https://forum.mendix.com/link/questions/102203



If you want to view the data, a page would be the most logical way. Don't really understand why you would want to do it differently.

If the wish is to do some database maintenance, reasoning from a database engineer perspective and oldskool coding; this is not needed in normal scenarios. Not saying that you never want to do some Db hacking. But that’s not where you start. Mendix is a low-code platform. Abstracting all the technical shizzle away which is boring and can be automated. Building apps with Mendix is about focusing on the users and what they need to facilitate their business processes. Not about how to engineer the database and gain control over something Mendix took control over so that you can focus on the actual purpose of the app; Support the user proces.

That being said; in the linked forum post some tips are given when some database maintenance is needed. If you just want to view data, add the right pages to your app to support this.


You could build overview pages.  You could also use the remote debugger.  Documentation for how to remotely debug can be found here:  https://docs.mendix.com/howto/monitoring-troubleshooting/debug-microflows-remotely#3-2-how-to-enable-cloud-debugging-in-studio-pro
