Mendix App connecting to Oracle Express (XE) 18.c

Dear ALL,  I have a mendix app, and I want let it connect to my local oracle XE instance, but I am always get the error: Opening JDBC connection to Some(localhost:1521) failed with SQLState: 66000 Error code: 12505 Message: Listener refused the connection with the following error: ORA-12505, TNS:listener does not currently know of SID given in connect descriptor Retrying...(3/4) I have found out the reason for it: the Oracle XE only allows to install the only SID “XE” in my PC with two service name “XE” (container DB) and “XEPDB1” (plugging DB). And the user can only be created in the service name “XEPDB1”. When I try to connect to the DB via the “Database SID” as “XEPDB1”,  the error above comes out all the time. And when I set “Database SID” as “XE”, it returns:  Opening JDBC connection to Some(localhost:1521) failed with SQLState: 72000 Error code: 1017 Message: ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied Retrying...(2/4) Does anyone know how to let Mendix app connect oracle DB via service name only, not by SID? I have tried to set the “Database Service Name” in the Custom tag of Configuration of the project. It doesn’t work.   -------------------- Pic 1: Oracle instance details:   ------------------------ Pic2: the database setting in Mendix app   ---------------------- Pic3: Custom setting in Mendix App
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