Can we connect Mendix Application to SAP Hana Database which is running in On-Premise environment without deploying Mendix on SAP Cloud Platform?

Hi All, Can we connect Mendix Application to SAP Hana Database which is running in On-Premise environment, without deploying Mendix on SAP Cloud Platform? Regards, Abhishek
1 answers

Hi Abhishek

You absolutely can.  You can just connect through the OData Connector found here.  It looks like you reviewed it, so you have seen it already.  The only tricky bit will be your SSO setup.  SAP Roles will not automatically be taken into account if you don’t do some sort of SSO.  Doing it through the SAP Cloud Platform provides the use of the XSUAA Connector seen here.  This will take into account any user roles your user has in the SAP system (SAP functionality supporting it of course).

Good luck!


