Retrieving images from sql database and displaying in Mendix dashboard

Hi I have two questions. I know that my first question is not related to Mendix but I would like to know if it is possible to do so.   May I know if it is possible to upload images from personal laptop, or from a camera, to an IOT platform called Thingspeak? I would like to send images to Thingspeak and retrieving the images from Thingspeak to display it in Mendix dashboard. I tried checking if it is possible but I dont seem to find any resources as of now. Hence, I tried coming up with this idea of uploading images to a sql database by using WAMPP server installed on my laptop. Mendix dashboard retrieves the image from WAMPP server by using “database connector” but I am not sure if its possible to do so. If it is possible, may I have some guidelines on how to approach this please?
4 answers

1- I think thingspeak has a REST and MQTT api, just not sure that they can handle 64 bit image or not. If yes, then you can read and retrieve with Mendix.

2- your way also fine, you also can try to push the image to s3, and in mendix you can use s3 connector to get the image.





Thank you for the very fast reply. 

  1. I will take a look if is is able to handle 64 bit image or not. Thanks so much!
  2. I searched for s3 connector, however the thing I got is “Amazon s3 connector”. Is this the one you are talking about?However, I am not using Amazon as of now. Is “database connector” ok or must I use s3 connector? 

Sorry to bother you!


The Amazon S3 connector is indeed for Amazon S3. When you want to upload files and make them available in your app, a lot of apps use S3 for that. I think Quang is advising you to use Amazon S3 for files, and not a database.


Oh I see! I dont think my lecturers want to use amazon as they want to get the work done without paying anything. ( when I sign up I have to key in for credit card details and we have to pay if we want more storage). 
