User information gets discard

Hello, I'm making a mobile app. The problem is that when i'm registering and saving my information. In a few clicks it discards my information for no reason. I will upload a youtube video where im showing this here I thought it had something to do with logging in because it doesn't save the user information for a specific user, right? Pls let me know!
3 answers


There is nothing wrong with the initial place where you create a new registration. There is only one problem where, when you call the action to show your home page, It creates a new account which apparently loses all the information previously saved in a registration. 

You have to update the condition in your microflow where you call the home page to, 

  1. Check if the account already exists in the database. 
  2. If exists then pass that to the home page.
  3. If not create one before opening the home page and pass the newly created object. 

This should make your issue get fixed.  Hope this helps!


Yes, It should look something like this 


Retrieve the first record (assuming a user can have a unique record) with Xpath condition to identify the account object. Then check as shown with $Account != empty condition. That should do the job. 






Screenshot 1:

Screenshot 2:
