Changing an attribute in multiple object selected

Hi All, I’m creating a type of matrix App which relation is about an enumeration of numbers. I show this information in a data grid, which allows me to select multiple objects of data. The next step I want to do is changing in just one time this attribute (enumeration) of the objects selected. Regards, Javier.    
3 answers

Hi Javier , 

In the Datagrid if you have multiselect then you can call one microflow from datagrid ,for that microflow you will get the selected objects as list as input for microflow. In the microflow logic you can change the object attribute or any other things u need . 


I’m afraid you will have to loop over the list of selected objects and change the value in the loop.
You can do this by creating a Helper entity that links to the selected entities and also contains the selected enumeration.
You can then use the Helper object to retrieve the selected objects and the chosen enumeration to set the value in the loop.


Hi Narayana and Louis,

That’s what I though to do, but when I call the microflow with the objects selected list (as a parameter) I need to select the number I want to change in all the objects, before doing the Loop. I don’t know how to do it because if I add an extra parameter (the general number) the microflow show me the next issue:

Parameter ‘NumberToAssign’ of the selected microflow does not match available arguments. Arguments available to ‘actionButton’ are ‘ListOfPeople’.

I should show a page in order to select which number do I want to achieve to all the objects of the list. Any advice?

Thanks to all,

