Getting images from Firebase Storage

Hi,   I have been struggling with this issue for several weeks and I would really appreciate it if anyone could guide me with this please.    I have been trying to retrieve images from firebase. I have learnt that in order for users to upload their image to firebase, they could do that by uploading it to firebase storage. I have managed to retrieve data from firebase Realtime storage to Mendix and I was able to see the values in Mendix. However, I have no clue on how to retrieve images from firebase storage, which is different from firebase realtime storage. All the tutorials are on android studio, and I have no idea how to continue with this issue. 
1 answers

There’s no criteria on this but I guess I would go for the easier approach. After posting this, I managed to retrieve the image URL link and show it in Mendix as shown in this link: ( Copying and pasting the image URL link in realtime database in firebase side, while on Mendix side I created an action button→ open link and I selected the attribute from my dataview. 


However, I feel that this is not so efficient since it only shows 1 image and I have to copy and paste the image URL everytime when I want to show the image in Mendix but I am not sure how to solve this problem besides this. I would like to retrieve the image directly from Firebase Storage, if it is possible. I think either clicking a button in Mendix to retrieve the image/ or maybe the latest 3-5 images is fine too. I have read from some of the Mendix forum that they decode the base64 image or smth like that but I have no idea why did they do that and how to use to solve the problem. 


I really hope that you are able to help me on this please as I am struggling with this a lot… I am the only one who is doing Mendix in my school internship project… I apologize for the inconvenience caused.
