Import of Data from several Excel-Spreadsheets

Hello, i have 3 different excel-spreadsheets with different information, which i want to import. At the moment i`m using the excel importer, i have created a template for each spreadsheet and i can import the data from each spreadsheet. Now my problem is, i want to import the data by klicking on one button. At the Moment, i have to klick on one button to open the excel importer, than i have to select the template and then i have to edit the template to connect it with the correct excel-file.  Is there a way that the user can klick on one button and imports the data from the 3 different spreadsheets at once? Another problem is that i have to edit the template and connect it with the correct excel-file erverytime i change the data in the excel file. If i don’t do this, i`m importing the data from the last import with the template, so the changed data isn`t imported. Is this correct or have i made some mistakes in the configuration?
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