Cant Create a New Login on my Application

My goal: To create a prototype blank app with a login screen, a list of all users in the database in another page and be able to register a new user. Problems: When I create a “register” page that is just a form to create a new user object, it indeed creates the user, but I’m never able to login with it. I don’t know if I’m doing on the wrong way, I’ve been creating a user object called Login that comes on default blank app.   I’m new on mendix, hope you can help me :D
1 answers

My assumption is that a logged-in user is creating (registering) new users. right?

in that case, you probably didn’t assign a user role to the new user. 
This can be done by adding a reference set selector to your user registration page, connected to the entity UserRole over association UserRoles.
If you don’t have this association available, you aren’t using the entity System.User or Administration.Account. Which you should.
