OQL no viable alternative at input DateTime

' SELECT inspection/DateTime As InspectionDateTime, measurement/Value As value FROM SPC.Measurement AS measurement JOIN measurement/SPC.Measurement_InspectionFormMeasurement/SPC.InspectionFormMeasurement AS itemdef JOIN measurement/SPC.Measurement_Sample/SPC.Sample AS sample JOIN sample/SPC.Sample_Inspection/SPC.Inspection as inspection WHERE itemdef/ID = $InspectionFormMeasurement '   when i try to execute this query I am getting this error: Caused by: com.mendix.systemwideinterfaces.MendixRuntimeException: OQL query cannot be parsed:  SELECT inspection/DateTime As InspectionDateTime, measurement/Value as Value FROM SPC.Measurement AS measurement JOIN measurement/SPC.Measurement_InspectionFormMeasurement/SPC.InspectionFormMeasurement AS itemdef JOIN measurement/SPC.Measurement_Sample/SPC.Sample AS sample JOIN sample/SPC.Sample_Inspection/SPC.Inspection as inspection WHERE itemdef/ID = $InspectionFormMeasurement Error on line 2 character 18: no viable alternative at input 'DateTime'     To achive : copy the date from one table to other 
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