Rest Service HTML Response

Hi Team,   I am calling WebService URL via REST service GET  call and I am receiving response as a HTML format. I want to capture specific fields from the HTML and store it in Mendix Module. What would be best solution to convert HTML to a Mendix domain entity format.   Thank you  Sandip  
2 answers

Can you give an example of the HTML you are receiving?

It maybe you need to use regular expressions to extract the data you need. In this case, you’d have the returned HTML as a String variable, and you use RegexReplaceAll in Community Commons to remove the data you don’t need / extract the data you do need. There are also the built in string manipulation functions in Mendix if you prefer them, but they aren’t as powerful. You then save the resulting string into an attribute on an entity in the domain model.



Below yellow marked Image data we would like to read from HTML
