Retrieve data by association throwing empty for particular record

When i try to retrieve the data from database its returning empty for some records even if its had some value. For example   i would like to retrieve the issuesourcename for the particular issueid, if i try to retrieve customer for id 270 it’s successfully retrieve the value but if i try to retrieve Engineering for 271 its not retrieve. Any suggestions or inputs.      
2 answers

Looking at your table it does not look like an association. It feels more of a single table with attributes. Had it been association, you would find a table which holds the relationship between your other two entities.

If you try to retrieve something over association do note that Mx will try to find if there is something in Memory and only when it does not find, will it do a retrieve from database. It could also be that you’re manipulating in a way that the value is not shown. But if you share your microflow, we could take a closer look at what is happening.



Could you please share the screenshots of domain model, retrieve object activity and decision activity ?
