Making a graph from a list

Hello all, i am trying to trend some instrument data using mendix. We have an IPC with some instruments running in the office and i need to make a graph from the instrument data. I have managed to install the database connector and i am able to get data from an instrument to mendix and displaying the list. I am not able to take that list and make it into a graph.  As a bonus i also need to make the graph “alive”, meaning that it keeps updating with the instrument. I am very new to Mendix and all help is welcome.     
2 answers

Hi Johan,

supporting documentation for charts can be found here:

As you want to connect with external sources, real live representation and thus a more complex application I do advise you to take the Rapid developer course and exam; 


I recommend looking at the following documentation links:

To answer your second question (at least from the chart side), there is a refresh interval setting in the configuration of the chart
