Hi, I am building a multi functional application , and I want to use a cross reference field on different pages of different entity, for example: If I am building a cricket page and I am on Matches page and there is a stadium attached to it , so how could I go to the stadium info page from the Matches page using that stadium attribute?

Hi, I am building a multi functional application , and I want to  use a cross reference field on different pages of different entity, for example: If I am building a cricket page and I am on Matches page and there is a stadium attached to it , so how could I go to the stadium info page from the Matches page using that stadium attribute?
1 answers

Hi Sudhanshu,

In this case I assume you already have an association between match and stadium.

So you would select a match, for example in a datagrid.

Then you create a button which calls a microflow.

The microflow retreives the stadium over Match_Stadium association.

Then you open a page where you pass the stadium object, this page shows the stadium details.

Does this answer your question? Or do you have a more specific situation?

