Filemanager inside another dataview

I have an entity 'ticket' where a user can create a ticket. With this ticket I want to offer the possibility to attach a file. Below my domain model: In my dataview of the entity 'Ticket' I have put the file manager with the entity 'Files' over the association 'Ticket_Files'.   Now when I open the page, I can't upload files etc. because the fields are gray: Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong and how to fix it?  
2 answers

As Aayushi mentions, a dataview ALWAYS requires an object otherwise it will either bork or be not editable like yours.

In the situation where you create a new ticket, you need to create a file as well. Which isn't possible with the default create button.

Therefore you need a microflow. Example below.

NOTE: please rename your entity Files to File. One File per Ticket. Now you have one Files for a ticket. Thank me later ;-)



You have to create an object of files and pass it in dataview. In file document dataview you can select microflow as datasource and create object of files entity and also check access rules on entity.

Hope it helps..
