Prepopulate database

In our application we require a set of base data in the database before the app can do it's function. As far as I can tell this information can only be set during run time. To alleviate this time consuming error prone work from the end user we have decided to set this up for them. In addition, it greatly helps our testing efforts where the database is regularly cleaned. This is why we have created microflows that put this information into the database. Unfortunately these microflows are still a big time consuming task to set up or maintain. This base data is also expected to change every year at least once, giving unnecessary amounts of error prone work. We have now transferred some of the work to an excel importer, but unfortunately not all are suitable for the importer. In addition, we also need to link some of the base data to other base data to work. It would be great if there is a way to easily and efficiently prepopulate the database, including connections between the data. Is there any such option?
2 answers

I would use a Master Database that you can use to populate the new Database. Either you use a data pump tool or, to stay in control, use Mendix and the database connector.

Mendix Marketplace - Database Connector


Two options:

- Fill a database of your test-environment with the data you need, make a backup of it in sprintr and use the to restore your test-environment whenever you need the clean test-database.

- Use, to either load data from csv-files or set up a sandbox app which calls the csv-services and fills the data for you.
