Error when upgrading to 9.12.4 mendix version while deploying package on server with exsisting database
Hi Team, We are trying to upgrade application from version 8.18.15 to 9.12.4. We are using MySQL server 2019 as database. when trying to deploy 9.12.4 version package and click on start button in mendix service console throwing the below error. Error: com.mendix.m2ee.api.AdminException: Executing DDL commands failed. at com.mendix.basis.component.internal.LocalComponentImpl.executeDDLCommands(LocalComponentImpl.scala:103) Caused by: com.mendix.basis.connectionbus.ConnectionBusException: Error (SQL State: S0001, Error Code: 1919) on executing: ALTER TABLE [openidconnectprovider$registeredclient] ADD CONSTRAINT [uniq_openidconnectprovider$registeredclient_clientid] UNIQUE ([clientid]) All changes are rolled back. at com.mendix.connectionbus.modelsynchronization.DdlCommandExecutor.handleCommandExecutionException(DdlCommandExecutor.scala:151) Caused by: Column 'clientid' in table 'openidconnectprovider$registeredclient' is of a type that is invalid for use as a key column in an index. at RegisteredClient entity is in openidconnectprovider module in which ClientID is string attribute of unlimited length which has validation rule of ‘UNIQUE’ Any suggestions to solve the error without changing/manupulating the database data
Spandana Paspunuri
1 answers
Without changing the data, your only option is to remove the Unique-constraint and in design-time resolve the errors that occur because of it.