Live / Hot Backup

When we perform an app update / deployment on production we stop the app and create a backup. Wait till it's done and then deploy and start the app.   Due to some extra data we needed to load in to the database the backup time has doubled what leads to more downtime using the methode described above.   My question: How good is the ‘live / hot’ backup and changes up till which point will be included in the backup? Lets say the backup takes about 30 minutes. We start the backup 17.00 and stop the app 17.25 (just before the backup finishes), when the backup is finished, we deploy and start the app. In the meantime (between 17.00 and 17.25) changes in the database can (and will) occur. Will changes made between 17.00 and 17.25 be included in the backup?   Thank you.    
1 answers

Answer by Mendix Support:

By design the Create Backup operation creates a single transaction when backup is started, any changes after this “point” will not be "visible" to the task. So to answer the question: 

Lets say the backup takes about 30 minutes. We start the backup 17.00 and stop the app 17.25 (just before the backup finishes), when the backup is finished, we deploy and start the app. In the meantime (between 17.00 and 17.25) changes in the database can (and will) occur. Will changes made between 17.00 and 17.25 be included in the backup?


No. changes between 17:00 and 17:25 will not be included in the backup.
