How to have Mendix database data in Different languages?

Hi All, I want to have several languages on my application which i can achieve by adding different languages in application and then change it when required but i will achieve the translation of all captions ,  labels, text  present on screen but how i can change the data coming from database in different languages with same entity , attribute . Thanks 
2 answers

What’s the use case for this?  A couple of options could work:

  1. Have a master language that the DB objects use to store strings, then have a calculated field display string that uses some kind of service to translate the text to the user’s language on the fly.  You’d need to translate their input to your master language as well.
  2. Create a TranslatableString object, with associations to a Translation object for each language you support.  Then instead of strings on your objects you would have associations to a TranslatableString object.  This would then allow users to input in their native language, and could have events to populate translations using a service, or mark them as needing translations if done manually

Depending on what data you want to translate, you could also extend your datamodel with language attribute in entities and filter records/objects based on the choosen language. This could work for static data, select lists, etc.
