one to many association

I have 2 tables employee and project with one too many relationships respectively. Now my doubt is I wanted to show  one of the employee records on the project_newedit page as a dropdown.   can somebody tell me how can I do this?    
3 answers

If Employee to Project is a 1-* association, then every project has only one employee. So I assume that the association is for the project-manager or something like that.

Answering your question: Open page project_NewEdit, place your cursor on a spot where the dropdown can land, go to your ‘Connector’-tab and drag in the Employees attribute Name. Mendix will take care of making this a dropdown.

Even easier is going to the domain model, right-click on the entity Project and select Generate overview pages.



Hi Chandan,


Could you pls elaborate your query?


Like you want to show the employee object associated with project object ?




you want to show all employee records ?


Hi Chandan,

I assume one employee can be associated with many projects?

In that case you can use a reference selectore on the Project_NewEdit page to select an employee. In the selectable objects tab, you can set which emplyees should be selectable.

Hope this helps!
