Hello! I’m having trouble showing an image that comes from an image database. This image is saved with an ID and this ID matches an atrribute of another entity. This is my domain model. “NumeroSAP” from Pic entity has to match “Material” from Priority Report entity, so the image is shown, but I’m having trouble doing this. This is where I want to show the image. I have this microflow, where the decision stores this condition “$Pic/NumeroSAP = $Priority_Report/Material ” but after that I don’t really know how to proceed. I tried tried with the association as you can see in the second image and also with nested data but I didn’t make it. Thanks.
Kenya Castellanos
2 answers
Hi Kenya,
From where this microflow will get triggered?
if your condition met, retrieve pic object from the pic list based on priority report material value. Then associate the pic object with the association u created.
Steffy D
Hi Kenya,
If you are going to use the image data view inside the list view. Set the data view data source as microflow there you will get the priority report object as parameter. Add a retrieve from db activity for pic in that microflow. Set the xpath condition as numerosap =material from parameter.and return the pic you retrieved as return value