How to retrieve external data

Dear,   I am trying to create an app that uses data from Microsoft Azure SQL Database. I have established the connection according to the explanation from DB connector module and that works fine. I have created the MicroFlow that creates an entity object as i defined in my domain model. Everything works fine and I can call the data from the microflow into a list. My problem is as follows: I want to load data into my mendix database in order to prevent large requests by the microflow that will slow down my app. However, with the above microflow I am not sure how to achieve this. My Database remains empty.  Some extra information: Users should be able to edit and add records to the database through the app. Therefore the data needs to be editable within the database in mendix so these changes are saved properly. Any suggestions are appreciated!
3 answers

The screenshot in the Question is not commiting in create activity .

make sure create object activity is commiting it or later you are commiting it explicitly.ohterwise changes wont reflect in DB.


If you want to copy data from an external database into the internal one regularly, maybe database replication is the better approach. See


Make sure you have the entity defined as persistent
