Is there a soundex function in Mendix default PostgreSQL databases for fuzzy name searches?

The soundex function to do fuzzy name searches is included in Oracle, MySQL, and SQL Server databases. For example, if you have a table of genealogical data and want to search for the surname of “Smith” which could also be spelled “Smyth” and “Smythe”, you would use a soundex function.   There is a soundex function available for PostgreSQL but it isn’t included by default. You have to install the fuzzystrmatch module to get it. Is it possible to do this for the default PostgreSQL database that is created when a Mendix licensed cloud (v4) node is created? Or would it better for us to use our own cloud database server and have the Mendix app use it?    
3 answers

There used to be a Soundex module in the Marketplace that I wrote a few years ago for a previous employer. This appears to have been removed. I will try to add it again in the next few days.

Once this is back, you can generate and store the soundex version of the string in another attribute and then search against this. This isn’t dependent on Postgres.


I am not aware of any possibility to this. You can create a support ticket. Maybe they install it for you. Alternatively, as you said, you can use another database and connect your app to it.


Looking forward to your Soundex module, Robert. Thank you.
