Getting infinite loop

Hi All, There is a scenario where suppose there are 3 data (Deliverables)  in database, for each deliverables we can have multiple IDs.  For each ID in deliverable need to create a separate record. Initially there are 5 records as deliverables and each having 2 IDs. So, what  I am doing is inside a loop for deliverables, sending each deliverable object to another Microflow and there create separate records as per the IDs. But I am getting in infinite loop .Above 1000 data are getting created in database. I don’t know why microflow is getting called gain again.  PLease let me know how to stop calling microflow once I am done with it   Please help me out.Its urgent Thanks in advance
1 answers

Hi Trishla ,


Pls send the screenshot of the microflow you are using.

