How do mendix commits work exactly?

I always thought that Mendix commits to the database after the microflow has ended succesfully but how can this be true if I commit an object in a microflow but can then retrieve it from the database in the same microflow before the microflow has ended?   Is retrieving from database activity not an actual database retrieval but more of a retrieval of data that is stored in the runtime server?  
1 answers

The commit is best described here:, and yes, you are correct: Previous commits do reflect in the results of a retrieve that is further down the microflow. If you want to see it in action:

  • run your app locally,
  • set a breakpoint after the commit,
  • check the database to see that the object has not yet changed,
  • step over the retrieve
  • check the retrieve’s content to see the object has changed
  • finish the microflow
  • check the database to see that the object has not yet changed,