Monthly Report Generation Automatically

Hello,    We currently have a system that tracks sales by a number of units, we historically have not generated reports for each month to track these sales. However the need has now arisen to do so, because we are attempting to make a chart that show variation month to month.    My question is what is the best way to build a domain model and microflow to go back through this historical data and make it create these reports?    For example I was considering making an entity that just holds a start date and end date for a given month within a year and then running a microflow that retrieves the data based on the dates within the object, this however seems more tedious then necessary.    Any suggestions on how this should be constructed would be great, keeping in mind I want to show a chart that has these months as the X-Axis values.    Thank you in advance.  
2 answers

mendix can do report , but it is not a report tool. If you have a data ready in mendix, you can push it to another source and doing report by power bi or another tools. Then later you can embed power bi back to mendix.


Although Mendix is no reporting tool, simple  reports can get created. First step is to make sure you store the data in a separate module in your app, so you don’t disturb the transactional processes. Second step is to turn your historical data into graphs.
