How to migrate data between entity ?

I have 2 entity EntryFormTbl and Outsource     I try to migrate data from Entity EntryFormTbl to Entity Outsource I update data in table EntryFormTbl column submetaobjectname = ‘EmployeeMgt.Outsource’ and insert data into table Outsource     but when i save data(data migrated in dataview entity outsource) from my web, It Error Invalid value of a query parameter Outsource       How to solve this problem ?   thank you
1 answers

Hi, good day! I would like to let you know that manipulating data on DB level is not recommended and will cause such issues.


Recommended way to Migrate data from Source Entity to Destination Entity is as follows,

1. Add the attributes (all or selective that you wish to migrate) of Source to the Destination entity.
2. Create a Microflow logic to retrieve all the Objects from Source table iterate over them and create the Destination entity with Attributes mapping. (Microflow should be → Retrieve List from DB → Create empty Destination type list → Iterator for DB list → Create Destination Entity within iterator with attribute mapping → Add the Created Object to the empty list → Commit the Destination List out of the iterator)
3. Run the app and open the Destination Entity Objects view (Data Grid) 

4.Delete the Source Entity from the Domain model and run the app (when prompted for Sync DB give ok) ​​​​​​​
