java.sql.SQLException: Missing IN or OUT parameter at index:: 3

I am trying to call a procedure from Oracle sql database through mendix.  But I am receiving the following error.    com.mendix.modules.microflowengine.MicroflowException: com.mendix.systemwideinterfaces.MendixRuntimeException: java.sql.SQLException: Missing IN or OUT parameter at index:: 3     at mymodulename.mymicroflowname (JavaAction : 'Execute parameterized query')   Procedure definition is as follows:  CC_REL_BALANCE (  p_cpr                 IN          CLIENT.CLIENT_code%TYPE,                           p_reference_number    IN OUT      VARCHAR2,--AUTHO_ACTIVITY_ADM.REFERENCE_NUMBER%TYPE,                            p_response_code       OUT        VARCHAR2,--ACTION_LIST.CODE_ACTION%TYPE,                           P_result_set          OUT         CPR_BALANCE_INFO_TAB    );     Mendix procedure executions as follows: DECLARE   P_CPR VARCHAR2(24);   P_REFERENCE_NUMBER VARCHAR2(200);   P_RESPONSE_CODE VARCHAR2(200);   P_RESULT_SET DBTEST.ONLINE_FUNCTION.CPR_BALANCE_INFO_TAB; BEGIN   P_CPR := {1};   P_REFERENCE_NUMBER := {2};   GPS_KHCB_ONLINE_FUNCTION.CC_REL_BALANCE(     P_CPR => P_CPR,     P_REFERENCE_NUMBER => P_REFERENCE_NUMBER,     P_RESPONSE_CODE => P_RESPONSE_CODE,     P_RESULT_SET => P_RESULT_SET   );   :P_REFERENCE_NUMBER := P_REFERENCE_NUMBER;   :P_RESPONSE_CODE := P_RESPONSE_CODE;   :P_RESULT_SET := P_RESULT_SET; END;   It would be helpful if I get any help on how this issue can be resolved.   Much appreciated.    
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